Free relationship advice
Living Together Before Marriage
Ok I have just finished reading one of your articles
on the wrong reasons to marry. After I read that article
I read another talking about living with your boy/girl
friend before marriage. This article said that people
should live with each other before getting married to
get used to it. I have never lived with my fiancée of
2 1/2+ years and we are still thinking it is a good
I wanted to know your views on the situation. I grew
up believing that it is wrong and that having kids out
of wed-lock is bad as well for the child and for you.
I don’t think this article was very agreeable to some
people like me and I wanted your opinion on weather
I was right or wrong.
Thank you in advance and I hope to hear the answer
I agree that having children when you're not married
to the father is a bad idea. Having children is the
most selfish thing a person can do. After all, the kid
doesn't ask to be born - it's just the parents deciding
that they want little carbon copies of themselves running
around that makes this happen! Thus, I believe that
these kids deserve everything to their favor - including
a married, committed home.
On the other hand, I agree with the article regarding
living together. Until you actually live with someone
else, you can't possibly know what it's going to be
like. How unfair for two people to be thrust into a
live-in situation without knowing what they are in for.
Once the marriage is absolute, that's a very bad time
to find out about how your partner lives! I soundly
believe that any couple that wants to be married had
better live together first.
Now, with that said, you need to understand this fact:
studies show that there is a slight increase in the
chance of divorce in couples that shacked up before
getting married! That's an interesting situation, wouldn't
you agree?
However, I believe it's because most of these couples
were engaged either before or got engaged during their
live-in situation and saw this as a path along the way
toward marriage - just as you are considering. That's
not a bad thing in and of itself by the way.
What is bad is these couples finding out that they
have trouble living with their partners, and going ahead
with the marriage any way! Just because they were living
together as a step along the way, they figured that
they could simply continue along and everything would
be fine.
My advice to any couple is this: first, set your goals.
Decide exactly what it is that you want in your life.
If a marriage is the only thing you need to be happy,
don't wait for your partner - go have that wedding right
now. Find anyone that will marry you and get happy!
On the other hand, if you're looking for a good, solid,
happy relationship with someone you love, respect and
care for - and that loves, respects and cares for you,
then set that as your goal and find the format for the
relationship that works. Try living with that person
first too. Decide if that is the right structure for
your particular relationship. Only after you've done
this should you consider being engaged.
In a case like yours where you are already engaged,
remember that living together is something of a trial
run. If it doesn't work out, it's perfectly acceptable
to "downsize" the relationship and go back
to being a couple that doesn't live together. But, whatever
you do, don't jump into a marriage if living together
doesn't work out.
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Copyright (c) 2001, Dr. Dennis W. Neder